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Selectmen's Minutes 11/01/04
Town of Hudson - Board of Selectmen
Minutes –November 1, 2004
1.      Call to Order:
Present were Messieurs Loura, Durant, Parente, Leeber, Lucy, Blazar and Cipriano. Also present were Mesdames Ciccolo and Santos.
2.      Minutes to be Approved:
Public Session: October 18, 2004
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the minutes.
Executive Session: October 18, 2004
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 4-0-1 to approve the minutes. Mr. Lucy abstained from the vote.
3.      Citizen’s Issues:
4.      Meetings and Public Hearings - 7:00 PM:
Selectmen to conduct hearing on petition for the relocation of two utility poles and the addition of one pole on Central Street east of Laurel Drive.
Mr. Loura convened the hearing and heard from Chris Parella representing Verizon. There were no residents present in opposition to the placement of poles. Mr. Leeber asked for an update on the status of poles in the process of being replaced. On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the pole locations.
5.      Licenses:
Selectmen to consider transfer of Automatic Amusement licenses from Wal-Mart, Inc. to American Coin Merchandising, Inc.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Parente, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the transfer.
Selectmen to consider issuing a license to Ray Patterson to sell Christmas Trees at the intersection of Brook and Main Streets.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the license.
Selectmen to consider issuing a license to Sofia Ristorante for live entertainment.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Board voted by a margin of 4-0 to approve the license. Mr. Parente left the room before the item was addressed and returned after the vote was taken.
6.      Personnel:
Selectmen to note resignation of Philip Wilgus as a full time Police Officer.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Parente, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note the resignation.
Selectmen to consider appointment of Alan Herzog as a full member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Parente, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the appointment.
7.      Contracts:
Selectmen to consider approval of additional Snow Removal contracts with Horizon Site Work and Casaceli Trucking.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to approve the contracts.
8.      General:
Selectmen to consider acceptance of gift of $20.00 for the Lamson Park Fund.
On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to accept the gift.
Selectmen to consider acceptance of gift of $100.00 from the Hudson Seventh Day Adventist Church in memory of Stephen Parker.
On a motion by Mr. Lucy, seconded by Mr. Leeber, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to accept the gift.
9.      Town Issues:
Mr. Parente asked about the possibility of having the traffic light poles in front of Fire Station One painted, as well as having the parking lot behind the station re-striped.
10.     Proclamations:
11.     Correspondence to be Noted by Clerk:
On a motion by Mr. Parente, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0 to note correspondence. Mention was made of the receipt of a Silver Award by the Hudson Police form the American Automobile Association for traffic safety efforts. Mr. Blazar was also requested to meet with petitioners from Hickory Lane and Judith Rd. who had sought a meeting with the Board.
12.     Executive Session:
The Board voted by a margin of 5-0, by roll call, to enter into executive session, with the expectation of  subsequently returning to public session, in order to discuss the value of real property, and pending litigation.
13.     Meetings and Public Hearings (continued)
b)      Selectmen to hold joint meeting with Planning Board to appoint a new member to replace Jennifer Burke.
Present were Bob D’Amelio, Dirk Underwood, and Rodney Frias from the Planning Board. Applicants for the seat included Thomas Collins, Christopher Tibbels, Anthony Hippolito, and Justin Provencher. Mr. Provencher was not present.  Mr. Loura opened the meeting by asking each if he had comments that he wished to make.
Following a brief presentation by each person present, Mr. Loura opened the floor to nominations. Mr. Durant nominated and Mr. Loura seconded the nomination of Mr. Tibbels.  Mr. Lucy nominated, and Mr. Leeber seconded the nomination of Mr. Hippolito. Mr. D’Amelio nominated, and Mr. Underwood seconded the nomination of Mr. Collins.

Mr. Loura closed nominations and called for the vote. The voting took place as follows, and Mr. Tibbels was appointed.
        Collins Hippolito       Tibbels 
Loura                   X       
Durant                  X       
Parente X                       
Leeber  X                       
Lucy            X               
D’Amelio        X                       
Frias   X                       
Underwood       X                       

On a motion by Mr. Durant, seconded by Mr. Loura, the Boards voted by an 8-0 margin to make the appointment unanimous.
14.     Adjourn
On a motion by Mr. Leeber, seconded by Mr. Lucy, the Board voted by a margin of 5-0, by roll call, to adjourn